Air Conditioning and Heat Pumps

Stay cool and comfortable with our premium air conditioning systems. We carry the names you trust to beat the toughest heat spell. As an added bonus, your air conditioning unit will also remove the humidity from your indoor environmentfor an added degree of comfort. You could save up to 60% on your energy bills with new high-efficiency equipment.
Cooling efficiency for your air conditioner is indicated by its SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) rating, which tells you how efficiently your unit uses electricity. In general, the higher the SEER rating, the less electricity your unit will use to cool your home. The typical SEER rating of units made before 1992 is about 6.0. In 2006, the government established the minimum cooling efficiency standard for new units installed at 13.

Heat pumps act as an air conditioner in the summer months, cooling your home like a traditional air conditioner. But as the temperatures fall and your home needs heating, the heat pump reverses its role and begins providing heat for your home. With the combination of a furnace and heat pump, the result is maximum efficiency because each system operates when it is most cost effective. The energy saving duo capitalizes on less expensive electricity to heat your home in milder weather, switching to more effective gas heating in colder weather. Studies show that heating savings of up to 25 percent can be achieved when comparing a gas furnace only system to a gas furnace and heat pump combination system.